8. Sınıf Meb İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Cevapları

8. Sınıf Meb Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı 5. Ünite On The Internet Sayfa 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 Soruları ve Cevaplarını yazımızın devamından okuyabilirsiniz.

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 60 Cevapları

Warm Up
Match the words/ phrases with the icons. Share them with your classmates. (Kelimeleri/ifadeleri simgelerle eşleştirin. Bunları sınıf arkadaşlarınızla paylaşın.)

A-3 B-8 C-7 D-5 E-4 F-9 G-1 H-12 I-13 J-6 K-2 L-11 M-10

Activity 1
Listen to the recording. Fill in the blanks with the words/ phrases above. (Kaydı dinleyin. Yukarıdaki kelime/cümlelerle boşlukları doldurunuz.)

Fatih : The recent research shows that the usage of the Internet is increasing. It says that the aim of the Internet 1 connection varies from person to person. The least usage is listening to the music with 63%. So, what do you use the Internet for?
Alan : Hmmm. I often use the Internet for 2 social networking sites I have 3 accounts in different sites. I share photos and songs, 4 comment on posts, check notifications, 5 confirm friend requests and 6 reply messages. What about you?
Fatih : I am a subscriber of some science and technology blogs. I generally 7 log in and read articles in these blogs. I 8 download some e-books and 9 upload some videos on them. I sometimes send e-mails with 10 attachment to my friends.

Activity 2
Work in pairs. Exchange information about the Internet. (İkili gruplar halinde çalışarak birbirinize internet hakkında bilgi paylaşın.)

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 61 Cevapları

Activity 1
Answer the following questions. (Aşağıdaki soruları cevaplayın.)

1 How do you connect to the Internet? I connect the internet by my phone.
2 How often do you use the Internet? I use the Internet every day.
3 Who uses the Internet in your family mostly? I am using the Internet more than anyone in my family.

Activity 3
Read the text again. Tick () the chart. (Metni tekrar okuyun. Grafiği işaretleyin (✓).)

1. practices language
2. checks e-mails
3. does research
4. does online shopping
5. surfs on the Internet for recipes and cures
6. does online banking
7. plays online games
8. watches series

Activity 4
Work in pairs. Talk about the Internet habits in your family. İkili gruplar halinde ailenizdeki internet alışkanlıklarını tartışınız

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 62 Cevapları

Activity 1
Study the sentences in the box. Work in pairs. Add one more sentence in it. (Kutudaki cümleleri inceleyin. Çiftler halinde çalışın. İçine bir cümle daha ekleyin.)

Accepting and Refusing/ Making Excuses (Kabul Etme ve Reddetme/ Mazeret Üretme)

No thanks. I don't really like using social media accounts.

Activity 2
Study the sentences in the box. (Kutudaki cümleleri inceleyin.)

Activity 3
Work in pairs. Match the sentences. Act it out in the classroom. (Çiftler halinde çalışın. Cümleleri eşleştir. Sınıfta canlandırın.)

1. How do you connect to the Internet? d. I mean, do you have a smartphone or laptop with the Internet connection?
2. Be careful with what you share on the Internet. c. I mean, anything you post on the Internet can
stay online forever.

3. I comment on your photos. e. I mean, I write my opinions about them.
4. Obey the Internet safety rules. b. I mean, don’t share your personal information and password.
5. Is there a connection sign on the screen? a. I mean, is your PC online or offline?

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 63 Cevapları

Activity 1
Match the words/ phrases with their definitions (Kelimeleri/cümleleri tanımlarıyla eşleştirin)

5 register (5) a to write your password to access a website
4 sign in/ up (4) b to get an account
2 search engine (2) c a computer program to find information on the Internet
1 post (1) d to share writings or pictures on your online wall
7 click (7) e to press a button on the mouse or keyboard
6 password (6) f a secret word or combination of letters and numbers
3 screen (3) g a flat surface, part of a computer showing pictures and words

Activity 2
Match the words/ phrases with their definitions. Listen to the recording. Circle the correct words/ phrases. (Kelimeleri/cümleleri tanımlarıyla eşleştirin. Kaydı dinleyin. Doğru kelimeleri/ifadeleri daire içine alın.)
1. post
2. register
3. search engine.
4. password
5. account

Activity 3
Suppose that one of your friends invites you to a vlog about gardening. Accept or refuse this offer. If you refuse, make an excuse. (Diyelim ki arkadaşlarınızdan biri sizi bahçecilikle ilgili bir vlog'a davet ediyor. Bu teklifi kabul edin veya reddedin. Eğer reddedersen, bir bahane bul.)

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 64 Cevapları

Activity 1
Work in pairs. Brainstorm about the Internet. Fill in the mind map with your ideas. (Çiftler halinde çalışın. İnternet hakkında beyin fırtınası yapın. Zihin haritasını fikirlerinizle doldurun.)

Arkadaşlarınızla beyin fırtınası yaparak aşağıdaki boşlukları doldurunuz.

Activity 2
Read the texts. Put them in a chronological order. (Metinleri oku. Bunları kronolojik bir sıraya koyun.)

2-A 6-B 5-C 1-D 3-E 4-F

Activity 3
Read the texts again. Complete the sentences. (Metinleri tekrar okuyun. Cümleleri tamamlamak.)

1 In late 1971 an engineer, Ray Tomlinson, sent the first modern email with using the @ symbol.
2 Justin Hall, an American journalist, began blogging.
3 Dan Gordon modified the software so the first webcam was born.
4 Bob Thomas created Creeper.
5 In 1978 Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle developed the first multiplayer game.
6 Professor Scott E. Fahlman suggested the first smiley in ironic statements.

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 65 Cevapları

Activity 1
Are you an I addicted? Choose the best option for you (Ben bağımlısı mısın? Sizin için en iyi seçeneği seçin)

Are you an Internet addict?AB
1- I usually get help for my homework from the Internet.the Internetthe encyclopedia
2- I have many device(s) to connect to the Internet.manyonly one
3- I prefer sharing my secrets with my classmatesonline friendsclassmates
4- In my free time, I prefer surfing the Internetthe Interneton the beach
5- I’m good at face-to-face communication.bad atgood at
6- I play online games good at.good attwice a week
7- If a stranger sends a friend request on SNS, I ignore it.confirmignore
8- I like reading online newsonline newsnewspapers
9- I comment on few photos of my friends.allfew
10- I share some of my photos.mostsome


Mostly A Your Internet usage is at the alert level. You should be careful about it . (Çoğunlukla A İnternet kullanımınız uyarı düzeyinde. Bu konuda dikkatli olmalısınız.)
Mostly B You have control over your Internet usage. You are an average Internet user. (Çoğunlukla B İnternet kullanımınız üzerinde kontrol sizde. Ortalama bir İnternet kullanıcısısınız.)

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 66 Cevapları

Visual Dictionary
Keep expanding your visual dictionary by including new vocabulary items from this unit. (Bu üniteden yeni kelime ögeleri ekleyerek görsel sözlüğünüzü genişletmeye devam edin.)

Do Your Best!
Prepare a poster to illustrate your Internet habits and hang it on the classroom walls. (İnternet alışkanlıklarınızı gösteren bir poster hazırlayın ve sınıf duvarlarına asın.)

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 67 Cevapları

1- Match the halves to make a phrase. (There is one extra word.) (Bir cümle oluşturmak için yarımları eşleştirin. (Ekstra bir kelime var.))

4 reply
(5 connect) a to the Internet
(7 comment) b on a post
(8 check) c notifications
(6 upload) d videos
(2 delete) e the old files
(1 sign up) f a blog
(3 confirm) g the request

2- Look at the chart. Write “T" or “F" in brackets. (Tabloya bakın. Parantez içine "T" veya "F" yazın)

(F) 1 All of the students refuse joining an online course.
(T) 2 Just two students accept doing online shopping.
(T) 3 The students accepting chatting online are more than those sharing photos.
(F) 4 Nearly half of the students accept subscribing a vlog.
(T) 5 There are twenty students in the class.
(F) 6 The survey is about the Internet addiction.

3- Read the sentences. Put a mark “✓" or “X" in the boxes according to the Internet safety. (Cümleleri oku. İnternet güvenliğine göre kutucuklara “✓” veya “X” işareti koyun.)

(X) a. Share your address with strangers.
(✓) b. Refuse unknown people’s friend request.
(✓) c. Keep your password secret except from your family members.
(X) d. Agree to meet your online friends.
(X) e. Believe in all news on the Internet.
(✓) f. Before downloading a file, check it with an adult.

4- Match the questions with their responses. (There is one extra response.) Then, act it out. (Soruları cevaplarıyla eşleştirin. (Ekstra bir yanıt daha var.) Ardından, canlandırın.)

1 How many hours do you spend on the Internet?
2 Do you follow any bloggers?
3 Who uses the Internet in your family mostly?
4 How do you connect to the Internet?
5 What kind of websites does your mother follow?


(2) a Yes, I do.
(4) b By phone and tablet.
(5) c Cooking, health and fashion.
(3) d My grandfather.
(1) e An hour.
( ) f I share photos.

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 68 Cevapları

Activity 1
Solve the puzzle. Match the words/ phrases with the pictures and exchange information about the Internet by using them. (Yap boz u çöz. Kelimeleri/deyimleri resimlerle eşleştirin ve bunları kullanarak İnternet hakkında bilgi alışverişinde bulunun.)


1-a 2- i 3- f 4-d 5- b 6- k 7- g 8- m 9- c 10- j 11- h 12- e 13-i

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 69 Cevapları

Activity 2
Put the words/ phrases into the correct order.
(Kelimeleri/ifadeleri doğru sıraya koyun.)

1. I / my photos / post / three times / a week / my website / on / . I post my photos on my website three times a week.
2. check / e-mails / my / once a day / I / . I check my e-mails once a day.
3. I / listen to / can’t / the music / my PC / from / . I can’t listen to the music from my PC.
4. we / Why don’t / at one o’clock / online / chat / ? Why don’t we chat online at one o’clock?
5. the Internet / you / Do / connection / mean / ? Do you mean . the Internet connection?
6. do / you / How / online / often / go / ? How often do you go online?
7. connect / to / the Internet / do / How / you / ? How do you connect to the Internet?

Activity 3
Listen to the recording and complete the text with a word or phrase. (Kaydı dinleyin ve metni bir kelime veya cümle ile tamamlayın.)

We can use the Internet to 1download music videos, update information and 2delete the old posts. Also, we can create an 3account, upload a profile picture and share photos, videos on social networking sites. Moreover, we can send e-mails with 4attachments and browse the Internet to read information. We can sign in different blogs, 5comment on the photos and posts. If we don’t spend too much time on the Internet, we can organize our life effectively.

8. Sınıf İngilizce 5. Ünite The Internet Sayfa 70 Cevapları

1. I can’t access to the Internet from my PC. d. I mean, there isn’t a connection sign.
2. Having online friends is dangerous. c. I mean, some people pretend to be younger when online.
3. You must create online identities to log in. b. I mean, you should first.
4. Avoid usin dangerous sites. a. I mean, use safe websites. register to the site

Activity 5.a
Read the question. Tick (✓) the responses according to the answers. (Soruyu okuyun. Cevaplara göre cevapları işaretleyin (✓).)

I'm visiting Louvre Museum online this afternoon with Peter. Would you like to join us? (Bu öğleden sonra Peter ile Louvre Müzesi'ni çevrimiçi ziyaret edeceğim. Bize katılmak ister misin?)

Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I can’t. Refusing
That’s awesome! Accepting
That’s very kind of you, but I’m busy. Making excuses

Activity 5.b
Read the question in Activity 5.a again. Write your answers in the speech bubbles according to the responses. (Etkinlik 5.a'daki soruyu tekrar okuyun. Cevaplarınızı cevaplara göre konuşma balonlarına yazın.)

That's awesome! Accepting
Thanks for asking, but I'm afraid I can't. Refusing
That's very kind of you but I'm busy. Making excuses


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UYARI: Küfür, hakaret, rencide edici cümleler veya imalar, inançlara saldırı içeren, imla kuralları ile yazılmamış, Türkçe karakter kullanılmayan, isimsiz ve büyük harflerle yazılmış yorumlar onaylanmamaktadır.
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